Why you need to try car camping with us

Car camping, also known in the guided tour industry as “basecamp style”, allows you to experience nature without leaving too many creature comforts behind. You get to sleep outside, but with modern amenities at established campgrounds. Outdoor Mavens offers both car camping and backpacking style trips. Take a look below to learn more about car camping and why it is a great way to travel this year.

Wild meets comfort

Basecamping is for those adventurers who are looking for an outdoor experience with all the amenities of home.  On one of our basecamping trips expect to have access to hot showers and wonderful meals complete with fresh produce daily.  You can get the satisfaction of hiking hard during the day, and return to the campsite knowing a comfy sleeping pad awaits you. 


Introduce your kids to camping

While youth are absolutely able to join in on a backpacking trip, sometimes this can be a hit or miss experience for the child based on many variables.  Backpacking tends to be more constrained by non-negotiable factors like weather, water sources, and time.  On a car camp trip you go on day hikes within a national park or wilderness area.  Each hike is planned, but can be further customized to meet a families’ needs.  

kids in hammock

It’s all inclusive

A basecamp trip can be described as an “all inclusive” camp trip.  Everything you need to think of, is taken care of by the guides.  Food, local stops for souvenirs, the daily itinerary, bathroom breaks for the kids, hiking gear, equipment set up and take down, all of these things are pre-arranged for you prior to your trip. If you want to be in an awe inspiring place and focus on appreciating the natural beauty, choose one of our basecamp trips.  

Great for large groups

Due to the nature of permitting and regulations in backcountry areas, oftentimes, backpacking trips are confined to a smaller amount of guests.  Therefore, if you want to share an experience with more friends/family (i.e. 6 or more generally) consider a basecamping trip as oppose to backpacking.  Because these trips have more access to local amenities, a trip like this can accommodate a variety of needs on the fly. 


Make new hiking friends

Solo travelers rejoice!  If you are someone who enjoys traveling alone, but also enjoys swapping fun stories across a campfire with fellow singles, this trip type is a solid choice.  A basecamping trip by its nature, has a built in communal aspect.  We eat our meals together and hike together, which tends to bring people close quickly.  So, if you are interested in a sunset hike with a few new friends just waiting to happen, a basecamp is definitely for you.  It it important to note on these trips that, while the social aspect is true, there is always the option to create space for alone time.  

Choosing a trip style can be a big move.  However, regardless of trip style, you can expect a high standard of excellence and safety that is unparrelled in the industry.  On each and every hike our guides deliver interpretative knowledge of the flora and fauna of an area, as well as cook up great food at the end of the day.  Whether you choose a base-camping or backpacking, you will receive a memorable adventure! 

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