Backpacking is the Best

Backpacking into the wilderness is truly a special experience-whether you go at it alone or on a guided trip. Pitching a tent in a pristine forest, hiking in a simple meal, gazing up at the stars before bed; it all gets distilled back down to the very basics. Oftentimes the feeling of having everything you need on your back triggers a sense of joy and spaciousness. If you are curious about backpacking, here are some reasons we feel it is simply one of the best ways to access the outdoors.

woman camping

Physical challenge

Backpacking is hard work and we are here for it!  It will be challenging to your mind and your body for consecutive days on end.  You are on your feet most of the day, taking in the sights around you, with a 35-50lb pack on you at all times.  You will not be able to shower on a trip like this, but you will get in touch with your feral, inner wild child side.  A backpacking trip is not for the faint of heart, but it is worth every ounce of effort. Nothing beats the feeling of being good and tired after a beautiful day spent exploring the mountains on foot. If you do a backpacking trip, expect to come away from it with a new self-confidence that comes from doing hard things.  

Solitude and digital detox

Oftentimes you will not seen anyone besides your guide and fellow trip goers for 3-4 days. Even with the pervasiveness of cell reception,  many of the areas we operate our trips in do not have service.  You can spend your afternoon sitting with your own thoughts by an alpine lake, without the urge or ability to scroll on your phone. Unplug, know that your responsible guide carries a satellite phone in case of emergencies, and relish in the fact that the only notification you will get is from the birds or squirrels. 


Learn new skills

Backpacking is not something many of us do regularly.  On a backpacking trip you must be able to pack and unpack all of your worldly possessions daily.  While it may not seem too hard, imagine putting everything into a 75 L space!  If you are ready to have a spiked learning curve for a few days, consider backpacking with a guide from Outdoor Mavens.  Your guide will teach you the tips and tricks needed to make everything--sleeping bag, sleeping mat, a tent, clothing, food, and water--fit on your back.  Our guides also love teaching other wilderness skills like map and compass, LNT ethics, water purification and tent setup. The satisfaction that comes from doing something this challenging and learning skills you can use on your own solo trip is invigorating.

Simplicity in meals

The fact that you must carry all of your food for a backpacking trip inherently builds in simplicity. If you are someone who cooks constantly at home and wants a break, backpacking is a great way to recharge in this way. You can visit the local outdoor store and purchase one of the many backpacker meals that only requires boiled water. If you want it a little bit fancier, we have you covered! When you travel on a guided backpacking trip with Outdoor Mavens, you can expect fresh produce on the front and back end of the trip, while the middle is filled with delicious re-hydrated meals. Think along the lines of hearty stews, pancakes and sausage, soups, and pastas.   

desert hiking

Smaller group setting

Many wilderness areas limit the number of hikers in your party or on the trail. This is great because it allows the trip to feel intimate with party and serves to protect the natural resources of that area. On our guided backpacking trips, we limit our trips to 6 people to preserve the small group experience.  While hiking the day’s miles, it is easy to drop into your own thoughts and be as introverted as you need. Downtime happens more frequently once the next camp is all set up.  You can read your book by the creek, catch up on rest, and creating lasting bonds with the other people on your trip.


Choosing to go backpacking either guided or alone can be a big, exciting move.  If you choose a guided trip with us you can expect a high standard of excellence and safety.  On each and every hike our guides deliver interpretative knowledge of the flora and fauna of an area, as well as cook up great food at the end of the day. If you need any advice on how to get started backpacking on your own, feel free to reach out :)

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